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After being a student for 12 or so years I followed my heart to do my 200 Yoga Teacher Training. I wanted to be able to share the benfits and enrichment that yoga can bring to life with others. It was the best decision I ever made...


I am a mum of two little ones so I know how stressful and busy things can get. Yoga can help you find calm in this crazy world and give you tools and methods of dealing with LIFE.

It will also make your body feel strong and nimble too, who doesn't want that?


Although I've completed my 200hr's I know that I will ALWAYS be a yoga student and I'm keen to do lots of extra training and to grow my knowledge as much as possible! 


I also offer private or 1-2 sessions for you and a friend or loved one if your wanting to go a little deeper with your practice of have a particular area you would like to focus on.


I am able to discretionally offer classes at a discounted rate to anyone who is struggling financially - I want yoga to be available to everyone.


I really hope if you've found me that you give yourself the gift of time, time for you. 


Any question - pop me a message, I love to chat!


Love and Light,

Lily x





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